Sarratt Septic
My septic guy/gal told me that my tank flooded.
What does this mean?
It means that the water level in the tank rose above
the normal water level.
Your septic person, usually a pumper, noticed a new high water
line inside
the tank when the system was inspected or pumped. Flood
events are also
indicated by dried septage on the top of baffles and inlet or
outlet pipes.
You can also note flood events from dirt rivulets around the lip
of the
tank's lid. Dirt rivulets are an indication that
waterlogged ground caused
dirt suspended in water to make its way into the tank.
A flooded septic tank can be nothing or it can indicate a need
for further
examination or maybe repairs.
Septic tanks flood when:
~The drainfield is at the end of its
life. In other words, the soil is no longer
able to accept wastewater and as a result liquid backs up in to
the tank.
~There have been recent heavy rains.
I have an article specifically on this subject.
~Your tanks filter needs to be cleaned.
Normally you clean a filter every year or two.
If you have not been doing this necessary maintenance task it is
good to
start. All you do is rinse the filter off with a hose into
the first compartment.
It takes about thirty minutes.
~Something else is blocking the outlet such as toilet paper,
grease or solids.
I even know one instance where a two-by-four was blocking a
tank's outlet pipe.
The piece of wood would float up and block the pipe.
Then the tank would flood and septage would backup into the
A plumber was then called, but by the time they got there enough
had trickled out that the two-by-four would start floating
The tank would then function normally with no backup problem and
obvious plumbing problem.
This backup cycle happened over and over until my
plumber friend
decided to look in the septic tank.
He saw the two-by-four floating by and removed it.
No more problems.
As it turns out someone had a resentment against the
homeowner and had
mischievously placed the piece of wood in the tank.
If you are told you need major repairs, such as a new
drainfield, there is
nothing wrong with getting a second opinion.
The county environmental health office--"the septic police", can
give you a
good unbiased opinion.
If you really do need repairs the county must approve them
anyway and
write a permit before an installer can proceed.
In most counties repair permits are free.
By the way, do not let a person install a drainfield without a
I know of counties that have made homeowners remove work
without a permit.
But, they rule the roost.
Serving the Inner & Outer Banks
Charlotte & the Foothills
Western North Carolina
Ph 828-447-5184