Sarratt Septic

Can you repair a cracked or broken septic tank?

Some of this depends upon the county in which you live.  I have spoken to county environmental health employees throughout the State.  I asked them specifically about repairing concrete septic tanks and all of them have a different opinion.

Some of them flat out said "no".  And most others said they would consider it on a case-by-case basis.

I have a background in concrete fabrication and epoxy work and so I know many cracks and holes in septic tanks can be repaired.

It is also possible to repair cracks both above and below the waterline.  A proper repair will result in a watertight tank which holds water above the waterline for 24-hours; this is a standard test of tank integrity.

Holes in the bottom of a tank can be repaired.  You pour a new tank bottom.

If a tank's lid is broken, you buy a new lid.

If it is an old tank with slab type lids, I can fabricate a new lid for you at the site with rebar or metal wire mesh reinforcement.

A major factor which determines the viability of repairs to a tank is: Does the remaining concrete easily break apart?  You can determine this by probing (jabbing) the concrete in the surrounding area with a pointed piece of metal such as a screwdriver or a pointed piece of rebar.  If large areas of concrete easily flake away, a repair is probably a waste of your money.  

Basically, for a concrete repair, you examine the tank like a dentist.  You remove all the decaying, loose concrete and replace bad areas with new concrete and epoxy.

How much I am willing to argue with a county for a particular repair depends on how long it will last.  If I think that a repair will not last for at least five years I will tell you.  I am very reluctant to do repairs which will not last at least five years.

n North Carolina concrete septic tanks are fairly inexpensive.  You need to compare the cost of the repair: time + materials + excavation costs to $1500-$2000 for an installed brand new tank.

For anything but a tank lid replacement,
you should also factor in the cost of leaving your home for a l-o-n-g weekend.  Septic tanks cannot be repaired when they are currently being used.

Sarratt Septic
Ph 828-447-5184

Alternative questions:

Can you repair a concrete septic tank?

How do you repair a concrete septic tank?

Can you repair a hole in a septic tank?

Can you repair a crack in a septic tank?

Can you repair a septic tank?